How do I know if I need psychological therapy?
People have many different reasons for seeking out psychological therapy. For some, the reasons for booking into see a psychologist come from the experience of uncomfortable symptoms, such as low mood, panic attacks, distressing conflict with a partner, or difficulty refraining from substance abuse. Whilst, for others, seeing a psychologist is more about gaining self-insight, or just having a place to work through stressors of the week, fortnight, or month. Here at Next Wave Psychology, we follow the process that it is the client’s goals for treatment that take precedence in structuring therapy sessions. One size definitely does not fit all here! The initial session between psychologist and client is devoted to establishing what the client wants to gain from psychological therapy in the current context of their life.
How do I book a psychology session at Next Wave Psychology?
There is an online booking function on this website where you can view available appointment times and schedule one in for yourself. Alternatively, you can also email for available appointment times, or call the practice on 0447 340 189. If you are booking an initial appointment, it can be advisable to book in your first 2 or 3 appointments at the one time to ensure availability of times that suit you. This is often a good idea, because during the initial stages of psychological treatment, it is better to avoid extended gaps between the first few sessions.
Where is Next Wave Psychology located?
The address of Next Wave Psychology is Studio 10, 107 Grey Street, St Kilda. The practice is part of an office block called the ‘Clyde Street Studios’. The building sits on the corner of Grey Street and Clyde Street, and you enter through a door on the Clyde Street side of the building. From there, you will see signage, Next Wave Psychology is on the 2nd floor of the main building (Studio 10). Of course, you can always call if you get lost on 0447 340 189.
Where should I park for the duration of my psychology appointment?
There is parking on Grey street or nearby Barkly street close to the practice. During business hours, these parking spots are only 1 hour, but there are some 2 hour and 4 hour spots in Clyde street and Robe street (please note, Clyde street is one way from the direction of Acland street and therefore cannot be entered in a car from Grey street).
How long does a psychology session go for?
Psychology sessions at Next Wave Psychology are for the duration of 50 minutes
What is the cost of psychology sessions?
Psychology sessions cost $250 per session.
Payment is charged via Eftpos on the day of the session unless previously arranged. Next Wave Psychology also has HICAPS facilities, meaning clients can also be provided with rebates from Medicare (provided you have a Mental Health Care Plan) or from participating private health funds.
What is a Mental Health Care Plan?
A Mental Health Care Plan (MHCP) is a document created by an individual and their doctor (this can be a GP or a psychiatrist) that allows that individual to obtain rebates from Medicare when seeing a psychologist, in order to minimise the cost of treatment. To be eligible for a MHCP, the doctor must conduct an assessment of your current psychological functioning (you will likely need to book a longer appointment with your GP for this). If your doctor determines that you are eligible for a MHCP (please see the fact sheet titled “Medicare Rebates for Mental Health Services Provided by Psychologists” from the Australian Psychological Society for more information about eligibility criteria at, they will write and sign a document, referring you to see a psychologist. Either your doctor can suggest a psychologist or you can choose for yourself and ask the doctor to address the MHCP to that psychologist. Upon attending your first psychology session, you will need to bring along this paperwork and your Medicare card, so that the rebate of 128.40 can be provided to you on the day of your session. A Mental Health Care Plan allows you to claim these rebates for up to 10 sessions per calendar year.
What if I need to cancel/reschedule my psychology appointment at Next Wave Psychology?
Should you need to reschedule your psychology session for any reason, we ask that you please contact Next Wave Psychology at least 48 hours before the session time. Sessions that are not cancelled with a minimum of 48 hours notice prior to the session will incur a cancellation fee of 50% of the session cost (if between 24-48 hours notice is provided), or the full session cost (if less than 24 hours notice is provided). This is to ensure that people who are on the waiting list for popular appointment times are provided with enough notice of an available appointment slot in order to have an opportunity to take up any cancelled sessions.
What if I need immediate help?
Whilst Next Wave Psychology does offer some appointment bookings outside of work hours, the practice is not a crisis service. However, there are various resources that you can seek should you feel that you need to seek support before your psychology appointment:
- Telephone 000 if you have an immediate emergency.
- Telephone Lifeline on 13 11 14 for crisis telephone counselling that is available 24 hours a day.
- Telephone Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800 if you are aged between 5-25 years old and want to talk to someone for support that is available 24 hours a day.
- Telephone Beyond Blue Support Service on 1300 22 4636 for crisis telephone counselling that is available 24 hours a day.
- Telephone Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467 for counselling for anyone affected by suicide available 24 hours a day.
- Telephone Directline on 1800 888 236 for confidential drug and alcohol counselling that is available 24 hours a day.